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Today’s Adversity with COVID 19 will be Tomorrow’s Opportunity.

Now Is The Time to Create New, More Empowering Habits.


Covid-19 will pass, and we will get through it. Now is the time to prepare for what’s to follow. Every adversity presents opportunities. Never before have Americans had so much free time. Make that free time work for you. Think back on all the things you said you would be doing if you didn’t have to work so much. Now you can do them. Things like spend more time with the kids or family. Tackle long overdue projects around the home. Take some online courses. Finally start exercising, reading and meditating,  as well as curbing drinking smoking and substance use.

Stop focusing on things you don’t want, such as obstacles, fears, or old ways of looking at life, and start focusing on what you do want to have happen in your life. Many fears are nothing more than misguided imaginings. Don’t look for the problem in the solution. Instead, rehearse your success in advance. Now is the time to create some new, more empowering habits.

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, visit to start your FREE trial of Freedom 365 today!


Article by:

Brian McAlister

CEO, Freedom 365


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