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The Courage To Change

The serenity prayer says, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the

difference.” It’s easy to hide behind the “acceptance of things I cannot change” part of the prayer. We hear it all the time: “I have to learn to accept everything, now that I’m in recovery.” Or, “I must learn to accept people, places, and things.” But the prayer also states we need the courage to “change the things we can.”

Some things, such as mediocrity, lack of prosperity, fear, and limitation are unacceptable to me. Without some type of spiritual awareness, it is difficult to stay sober. He can certainly give me the courage to improve and change everything else in my life. This is where wisdom becomes necessary. Wisdom is needed to avoid the pitfalls of self-justification and an ego driven life. It takes wisdom to be guided safely through the process. That is where a sponsor, teacher, or spiritual guide is of extreme value. Show some backbone and courage. Help change yourself and our world for the better. Show the courage to open your mind to a new level of possibility. Have The Courage To Change The Things You Can.

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